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The Joke (a tribute to Joker)




I wear a name to work

a painless vest

a bulletproof heart

a mass of bruises to wrap up the bones

the weight of passing

every day

found dead on the sidewalk

written on thin yellow pages of my diary

every night

clouds of smoke trails

all you can swallow

with your teeth still flashing

on your crazy laughter

but it's not a condition, it's not

a condition

it's a fact




what's gravity?

what is the sudden cooing

of street pigeons floating

around the spirit of this man

who's dead already?

nothing can hurt me


see the blades

through clenched teeth?

hear the howl

that breaks the night?

I'm feathering down!

I'm born again with colors!

see the gleams of golden brown

and orange

revealing the improbable

suburban forest

that hides the lonely?

what's gravity?

I defy it all

burst into tears and laughter

I dance dance dance

till I'm boneless like a scarlet blaze

there's no such thing

as future


bathroom dance


run like wind tossing

a coin

towards the last door opened

to decide what’s right

or wrong

the fathomless night embraces the poor

the dark, the homeless

fatherless creature run!

out of breath

fast as a shooting star

growing shadow of a man

such a clown

climbing up the wall

such a creeping fig, a giant

toss to the wind

leave behind the bonfires

do not look back

never go back

hold to your new pal bang!

and dance dance dance

arms wide open

seize your act of resurrection

die as you were


kill that man

make up your steady smile

my new face is peeping out

he's now looking at me

pain begins to glide

and glow!

who pulls the strings

of motion?

who pulls the trigger

of fate?



our next guest


the heart is broken

in the eyes

drawn with gaps or

constellations of smoke

the scene is changing and faints

like fires before my eyes

the lights

in the dressing room sparkle

like ribbons of carmine

pressing up against my lips

you're smiling

you're smiling with your heart

broken with your eyes full

of tears and drawn

deeply on your cigarette

before the mirror flickering with pain

and great amusement

because it's meaningless

it's beautiful

the muzzle of the gun against your throat

the bullet's journey

his hollow staring at nothing

after the bang ha ha!

someone's gotta smoke that guy

now you can breathe again

you're alone facing the world

carrying nothing left to lose

the heart is broken

the night is bedlam

the curtains open

like doors to heaven

but no one answers

you've been waiting for this moment

since forever

and you're not at home to watch

[the pictures above belong to the film Joker (Todd Phillips, 2019)]

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